Study Abroad FAQs

Study Abroad FAQs
We'd love to answer your questions!

Where can I study abroad?

Anywhere you want! We have study abroad opportunities in Italy, France, England, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Costa Rica. There are also many more programs available through the our exchange partners. Click HERE to explore your options!

There are many more programs available all across the world, 有些由其他大学和项目赞助,有些可以自行安排. Check out non-SMC Programs to find out more about these prospects.

What are the requirements? 

The most important requirement is maturity, independence and a desire to learn more about our international community. Students must have a sophomore standing at least, 通过SMC的社区生活有明确的纪律记录,GPA不低于2.8. 有些项目有更严格的学术要求,可能还有一些语言要求, so be sure to check out the program brochure pages prior to applying. The best key is to plan ahead!

How do I apply?

CIP is excited to help you select and apply to a study abroad program.  在项目手册中,点击“请求咨询”按钮并填写问卷. Then contact the Study Abroad office to schedule an advising meeting.

所有的申请都要求你与CIP的工作人员见面,制定一个坚实的学术计划. 这将确保你申请的课程符合你的学术需求,以便按时毕业.

然后申请人将写一份“目的陈述”,概述你的海外留学经历将如何贡献和丰富你的专业, lifetime and career goals. It should also include if you have traveled or lived abroad before, your interests in other cultures and anything you have done, which would make you a good candidate.

You will also need to fill out a 'Financial Aid Clearance Form,' with your financial aid officer, a 'Health History Clearance Form,' and include your Academic Planning Worksheet and 2 letters of recommendation.

Some programs require additional forms, such as the John Cabot Program in Italy, Sophia program in Japan, and Freie University in Germany, 因此,请查看您的在线申请门户网站,查看您必须提交的所需文件列表. Make sure to turn in your complete application before the deadline!

How do I get/renew a passport?

It is possible to download passport applications online at, and click on their passport link. They have all the information you need!

Who can help me decide which classes to take?

国际项目中心不能帮助你决定你的具体课程, but we can help you narrow down which courses are best offered abroad. You are encouraged to speak with your advisor about your decisions. 重要的是要知道你的专业需要哪些课程,以及圣玛丽学校什么时候提供这些课程,这样你就可以抓住机会出国留学, without having to delay your graduation.

Do my grades, courses, and credits transfer back to Saint Mary's?

During your application process a Academic Planning Worksheet will be filled out. 所有在圣玛丽赞助项目和交换项目中学习的课程,都将以一对一的形式直接转入你的圣玛丽学位.

在进行非smc课程时,有必要确保您在国外获得的学分数量也可以转换,因为它们可能无法一对一转换. For more information please visit the Registrar's Office in Filipi Hall.

What is the Academic Planning Worksheet?

填写学术规划工作表的目的是确保您的课程将被圣玛丽认可并满足您的要求.  我们希望确保你有足够的课程预先批准,以帮助你保持在毕业的轨道上.  By having several courses pre-approved, 在国外注册课程的学生将在国外注册时了解他们的选择, which will be extremely helpful while several time zones away.

学生应该首先与他们的顾问或咨询办公室合作,确定在国外需要满足多少专业/核心要求.  Then students can view what courses will be offered during their semester abroad.  如果课程已经在预先批准的课程列表中(在“学术”下的“留学网站”上), then the student can list out the SMC course equivalent.

If a course is not listed on the pre-approved course list, 学生必须联系该课程学科的系主任(例如), 我是一名西班牙语专业的学生,我想修一门尚未通过的历史课程, 我需要给历史系系主任发邮件,告知这门课的相关信息.  有时系主任可以接受课程描述,有时他们需要完整的教学大纲. 考虑使用下面的模板与系主任联系以获得批准.  Be sure to send all approvals to



我写这封信是为了请求对我参加(学期和学年)出国留学的一门课程进行评估,因为这门课程没有得到预先批准.  I am providing the following information to facilitate your evaluation.

  1. Course title and description: (Enter the course number, title and description)
  2. 请求的评估类型:(输入您正在寻求学分的特定需求,例如.g., major/minor/Core/elective)
  3. 留学项目名称:(输入留学项目的具体信息,包括国家名称和机构)
  4. Term and year you plan to take the course: (Enter the term and year)
  5. Syllabus/course description

Thank you for taking the time to evaluate this class. If you approve the course, 请说明SMC等效的内容,以及它满足的主要/次要/核心要求.

Please include 在您的回复中,课程将被添加到预先批准的课程列表中,供学生继续学习.  Please let me know if you need any additional information.


Can I use my financial aid, grants, or government funding for study abroad?

所有圣玛丽奖学金和经济援助将适用于smc赞助的交换项目. 如果你将进行非smc海外学习计划,我们的经济援助和助学金将不会随你而去, but government financial aid and grants may still apply. Your financial aid counselor can explain all the details.

Can I use my financial aid and scholarships once I return to Saint Mary's?

所有经济援助和奖学金将在从SMC或非SMC海外学习项目返回后开始. Talk to your financial aid counselor.

Can I get a scholarship to study abroad?

Gilman Scholarship: this scholarship awards up to $5,000 for students to pursue study abroad opportunities. this scholarship is intended for students who are Pell Grant recipients. To learn more information please go to

Jeanine Shahna Fela爱尔兰捐赠奖学金:这项特殊的捐赠奖学金是为被高威国立大学录取的SMC学生提供的, Ireland.  To learn more, please visit our scholarship section on our website.

SMC出国留学奖学金:该奖学金适用于佩尔助学金获得者. To learn more, please visit our scholarship section on our website.

How do I get a new course approved while I'm out of the country?

就像在申请过程中,你必须让你的课程得到系主任和/或学术顾问的预先批准一样, any new classes for which you register must be approved while you are abroad.  您可以使用上面提供的模板(在学术规划工作表部分)联系教师,并通过电子邮件将课程描述和/或教学大纲发送给他们,并要求他们批准课程并确定SMC等效.  请务必将虚拟批准书转发给国际项目中心(

Am I still eligible for the housing lottery after I return?

Only if you're returning from a Saint Mary's study abroad or exchange program.  关于抽签过程的问题或与校园住房有关的其他问题, please review the Campus Housing FAQs or contact

How can I evaluate my study abroad experience for Saint Mary's?

国际项目中心重视您对圣玛丽赞助项目的经验和意见. 我们鼓励你写评价,突出你的旅行的积极和消极的方面, to help us improve our study abroad programs. 请注意我们发给所有归国学生的留学项目体验调查. Or you can email us directly at

How can I maintain an international feeling once I return to Saint Mary's?

There are many ways to stay connected to your study abroad experience.  Consider joining our Peer Mentor Program!

What address should I send postcards to?

我们很乐意听到你做得怎么样,并把你漂亮的明信片贴在我们的公告板上! Please write to us at:

The Center for International Programs
1928 St. Marys Road
PMB 3091
Moraga, CA 94575-3091